Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Health Benefits of Vitamin D

I. Introduction
Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," is a crucial nutrient that our bodies need. It plays a significant role in numerous bodily functions, from supporting our immune system to maintaining the health of our bones and teeth.

Bone Health
One of the primary roles of Vitamin D is to aid in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are vital for the metabolism and maintenance of our bones, teeth, hair, and tissues⁵⁶. By ensuring the proper absorption of these minerals, Vitamin D contributes significantly to our overall bone health.

Immune System
Vitamin D is also a key player in our immune system. It has been found to promote immune response, reduce inflammation, and support overall immune health. This means that maintaining adequate levels of Vitamin D can help protect us from various illnesses and infections.

Skin Health
When it comes to skin health, Vitamin D proves to be just as essential. It promotes healthy epidermal cell growth, decreases the risk of infection, prevents skin aging, and reduces the incidence of chronic disease, including skin cancer.

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to several health issues. Common symptoms include bone pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. These symptoms can be caused by various factors, such as less consumption of food rich in Vitamin D, less exposure to sunlight, or an increased level of melanin pigment⁶.

Signs of Excessive Vitamin D
While Vitamin D is beneficial, too much of it can lead to health problems. Symptoms of excessive Vitamin D include stomach discomfort, unusual mental symptoms, or kidney problems. These symptoms are often caused by inappropriate supplement dosing and prescription errors.

Supplements for Vitamin D Absorption
To ensure our bodies can absorb and utilize Vitamin D effectively, certain supplements can be beneficial. A good quality vitamin D supplement that contains vitamin D and vitamin K can support optimal calcium balance and vitamin D absorption.


Vitamin D3:
Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel.
Cod liver oil.
Egg yolks.

Vitamin K2:
Fermented foods like natto and sauerkraut.
Grass-fed animal products such as meat and butter.

Please note that Vitamin K2 is synthesized by bacteria and is typically associated with fermented foods and animal products. The amount of Vitamin K2 in any particular food can vary greatly depending on how much bacteria is present and, therefore, how much Vitamin K2 is created. It's also important to note that many of the foods that are known to be high in vitamin K2 are not traditionally considered to be part of a heart-healthy diet and should be consumed in moderation.

The main Health Benefit of Vitamin D is that it acts like the fuel of your Immune System. Maintaining the right levels of Vitamin D in the body is crucial for our overall health. From supporting our immune system to promoting skin health, the benefits of Vitamin D are vast. However, it's important to remember that while supplements can help, they should not replace a balanced diet and lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Remember, your health is your wealth!

Here is the Vitamin D supplement we highly recommend:

Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Health Benefits of Vitamin C

I. Introduction Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vital nutrient that our bodies need to function properly. It plays a crucial role in many bodily processes and is widely known for its health benefits.

II. Health Benefits of Vitamin C Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can boost your body’s natural defenses by protecting cells from harmful molecules called free radicals. It helps lower blood pressure and also protects against gout attacks by reducing uric acid in the blood.

One of the key benefits of Vitamin C is its ability to improve iron absorption, thereby preventing iron deficiency. It also boosts immunity by stimulating the production of white blood cells and improving their function. Moreover, Vitamin C reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and dementia.

III. Vitamin C and Immune System Vitamin C is essential for a strong immune system. It stimulates the production of lymphocytes and phagocytes, which protect the body against infection. Furthermore, Vitamin C helps these white blood cells function more effectively and improves the skin’s defense system.

IV. Vitamin C and Skin Health Vitamin C is a hero ingredient in many skincare products. It’s known for its anti-aging properties, including the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. It also protects the skin from sun damage and keeps it hydrated. Vitamin C plays a key role in collagen production, which helps in wound healing and maintaining the elasticity of the skin. It also reduces dark pigmentation and inflammation, giving you a healthier and brighter complexion.

V. Signs of Too Little Vitamin C Vitamin C deficiency, also known as scurvy, can lead to symptoms like fatigue, easy bruising, and rough, bumpy skin. Other signs include bright red hair follicles and corkscrew-shaped body hair.

VI. Signs of Too Much Vitamin C While Vitamin C is generally considered safe, excessive amounts can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach cramps, and headache. It’s important to note that these symptoms are typically associated with taking Vitamin C supplements, not consuming foods rich in Vitamin C.

VII. Recommended Supplements for Better Absorption of Vitamin C To enhance the absorption of Vitamin C, consider supplements like Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, Liposomal Vitamin C, and Ester-C (Calcium Ascorbate). These supplements are designed to improve the bioavailability of Vitamin C, ensuring that your body absorbs the maximum amount.

VIII. Conclusion Vitamin C is a powerhouse nutrient with numerous health benefits. From boosting immunity to promoting healthy skin, it plays a crucial role in many bodily functions. However, it’s important to maintain the right levels of Vitamin C intake to avoid deficiency or excess. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins or supplements.

Please note that the information provided should be used as a guide and does not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamins or supplements.

The Healing Power Of Salt

Uncover the surprising health benefits of salt: essential for hydration, nerve function, and balancing electrolytes. Learn how moderate salt intake can support thyroid function, improve sleep quality, and maintain optimal health.

The Earth supplies abundantly for our needs. We might be the highest intelligence on the planet but we don’t have the largest population. We are outnumbered by microbes with estimated numbers of 4 quadrillion quadrillion.

Those microbes can make us sick at times. Did you know that salt has been used in ancient times to respond to incidents of illness. Have you ever noticed how animals will seek-out salt as a contributor to their own health and well being. Think of Deer and Salt licks.

We customarily do the same with our meal preparation.

Is Chicken Noodle Soup a favourite because of Salt? Salt is our #1 seasoning, it’s a food in the truest sense of the word; we could not survive without it. It has healing properties and supports our immune system. It kills microbes.

It is a vital substance and performs important functions in our bodies.

Salt contributes to body system regulation and elimination ensuring a healthy nutrient and water balance, regulating blood pressure and bone density.

Salt: Next to water, one of the most abundant substances on Earth.

Salt Cures Everything

Small scratches and wounds heal even faster in seawater salt. Unfortunately, swimming in the sea is not always a possibility, unless you have ocean front property. Of course, salt should not be applied to open wounds.  The Salt in wounds proverb applies here. You can add sea salt to a bath though.

In today’s medicine, salt is still used in various fields. It can be used with respiratory diseases, as well as in metabolic disorders, lack of concentration, sleep disorders and skin diseases.

Are you getting enough salt?

Here are a few tips on using salt to help with physical ailments:

Inhaling salt water vapour:

Inhaling salt water can help to open the airways and relieve inflammation in the nasal passages. Try, pouring 1 litre of hot water and approx. 2 or 3 teaspoons of salt (Best: Himalayan Sea salt medium coarse) into a pot or bowl, position your face over it and cover your head and the pot with a towel. Inhale for about 10 minutes.

Mouth Rinse and Gargle

For tooth ache or inflamed and bleeding gums, try a teaspoon of salt and a sip of filtered water then swish, gargle and spit it out. Repeat as you like.  This can speed up the healing process.

Bladder Infections

Drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of salt daily (recommended: Himalayan salt fine grained) on an empty stomach can help with digestive problems, allergies, colds and kidney and bladder infections. It also supports weight loss and improves the appearance of the skin. This is absolutely not recommended for people with high blood pressure though!

Salt contributes to your health and wellbeing

If you do have high blood pressure look into the benefits of a beet supplement. Also be sure to drink enough filtered water daily. This is especially true if you are sick and increase the salt in your diet for a time.

Salt is a vital part of your health care regimen.  The latest scientific findings tells us that we need more salt than was previously recommended.

Whitney Johns

Have you met @whitneyjohns?

If you are looking for fitness inspiration then you can’t go wrong following Whitney Johns.

She is an effective Fitness Coach, WBFF Pro Competitor
and Fitness Model. If you like her results then start copying her workouts.

Try her Fitness App for best results.

She emphasizes that your fitness transformation will really begin when you get control of the food you intake.

Her Fitness Journey

Whitney Johns Transforms lives starting with her own

Whitney was always active but not training her body the most effectively until she found a fitness trainer. They helped her to fuel her body with the right foods, train and strengthen her entire body for overall health, strength and well being. She also learned to control her thinking and banished self doubt. Or, as she puts it, “She Got her Mind Right”. Unlocking the power to transform and live an optimal quality of life really inspired her to become a personal trainer herself.

Her Workouts

Whitney has creative workout routines. She really takes advantage of any location to be energetic.

One of the best ways to stay toned is to include Resistance Bands in your fitness routine.

Whitney does a stair routine with Resistance Bands. Fair warning before you watch; the music choice is an aural assault at first.

Want to try working out with Fitness Resistance Bands? Get a Set Here:

How to look like a fitness model

Fitness Model

We all aspire to looking and feeling our best. We can’t help but admire someone who has achieved this goal and have made it their lifestyle.

If you’re pressed for time then skip right to the most important step at the end of this article.

Achieving your optimal health will help you to look and feel your best. The Fitness Model version of you. Exercise, Weight Training, Cardio, Rest and Diet are all important. One of those components is the most important thing to get right. 80% of your result will come from this one component. Can you guess what it is?

Exercise – How you use your body

Yoga improves your overall strength and flexibility.
You are using your own body weight in ways that challenge your body to adapt. Benefits include better cirulation, balance, oxygenation, flexibity, improved immune system, lower stress and overall sense of well being.

Free Weights
Free weights for resistance training. You can firm and tone your muscles by putting them under stress. Find and learn exercise routines to help you target your major muscle groups. Its best to alternate upper body and lower body training programs. This gives your body time to recover and rebuild.

Cardio helps you improve your resting heart rate. You do intense interval workouts that raise your heart rate and improve your overall fitness. At rest you’ll have a lower heart rate because your body has a more efficient circulatory system that is moving nutrients and oxygen around your body.

Rest – How you let your body recover

Get enough rest. If you have been using your body intensely, you have to let it recover.
Preferrably, letting it rest after it is properly nourished with cleansing pure water and clean nutrious food.

Diet – What you put into your body

The number one secret to achieving your personal peak health is making the right choices about your nutrition. You often hear the term, “Eat Clean” or “Healthy Eating”. A lot of time, money and effort can go into preparing fresh, nutritous meals. Choosing healthy ingredients with the right Macro Nutrients takes Knowledge. Preparing and Cooking the meals takes culinary skills. Life is pretty busy these days. Why not get the best nutrition prepared by Actual Chefs who are also fitness experts?

Enter Live Fit

We’ve tried them and the meals are amazing. They taste great and you will start to see the health and fitness benefits in the first week or 2. A more shredded you will soon start to emerge.

The cost is actually pretty reasonable compared to similar meals from resturants.
But see for yourself, especially if you live in Canada. Have the meals delivered right to your door in special freezer bio-degradabe containers every Tuesday or Thursday.


Our food is our medicine

Dear Reader,

The right food, combined with proper rest and exercise can greatly enhance our Health and Beauty.

Dr. Steven Gundry would even make the point that all of our diseases come from a single source. What we put into our mouths.


He has insight into foods such as:

    • Rice
    • Whole Grains
    • Yams and Tubers
    • Fiber
    • Meat treated with Anti Biotics
    • Eggs
    • Chicken
    • Sugar
    • Intermittent Fasting
    • Insulin resistance
    • Ketones

The video below is very beneficial and insightful. He discusses observations about diet from all around the world.


Ignore the mumbo jumbo about us being related to apes that he mentions at the beginning.

150 year old Darwinian Evolution is dead and dead wrong. Modern Scientific observation has settled it. But Dr. Gundry is a product of his education. So forgive him his shortcomings.