How to look like a fitness model

We all aspire to looking and feeling our best. We can’t help but admire someone who has achieved this goal and have made it their lifestyle.

If you’re pressed for time then skip right to the most important step at the end of this article.

Achieving your optimal health will help you to look and feel your best. The Fitness Model version of you. Exercise, Weight Training, Cardio, Rest and Diet are all important. One of those components is the most important thing to get right. 80% of your result will come from this one component. Can you guess what it is?

Exercise – How you use your body

Yoga improves your overall strength and flexibility.
You are using your own body weight in ways that challenge your body to adapt. Benefits include better cirulation, balance, oxygenation, flexibity, improved immune system, lower stress and overall sense of well being.

Free Weights
Free weights for resistance training. You can firm and tone your muscles by putting them under stress. Find and learn exercise routines to help you target your major muscle groups. Its best to alternate upper body and lower body training programs. This gives your body time to recover and rebuild.

Cardio helps you improve your resting heart rate. You do intense interval workouts that raise your heart rate and improve your overall fitness. At rest you’ll have a lower heart rate because your body has a more efficient circulatory system that is moving nutrients and oxygen around your body.

Rest – How you let your body recover

Get enough rest. If you have been using your body intensely, you have to let it recover.
Preferrably, letting it rest after it is properly nourished with cleansing pure water and clean nutrious food.

Diet – What you put into your body

The number one secret to achieving your personal peak health is making the right choices about your nutrition. You often hear the term, “Eat Clean” or “Healthy Eating”. A lot of time, money and effort can go into preparing fresh, nutritous meals. Choosing healthy ingredients with the right Macro Nutrients takes Knowledge. Preparing and Cooking the meals takes culinary skills. Life is pretty busy these days. Why not get the best nutrition prepared by Actual Chefs who are also fitness experts?

Enter Live Fit

We’ve tried them and the meals are amazing. They taste great and you will start to see the health and fitness benefits in the first week or 2. A more shredded you will soon start to emerge.

The cost is actually pretty reasonable compared to similar meals from resturants.
But see for yourself, especially if you live in Canada. Have the meals delivered right to your door in special freezer bio-degradabe containers every Tuesday or Thursday.
